This procedure outlines the local appeal process for ākonga and applies to academic and non-academic appeals.
Ākonga Appeals Policy (Te Pūkenga) and Appeals Process for Ākonga / Learners - OPDB Procedure
To be read in conjunction with
Click on the link to access
Te Kawa Maiorooro | Educational Regulatory Framework (TKMF) Sections 2.27(2), 3.1-3.5., 5.3(4), 5.4., 5.5., 7.1.(1), 7.11(3)a., .7.19 and 7.20
Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Appeals Policy
Read in conjunction with the relevant Te Pūkenga Academic Policies, current Otago Polytechnic policies (as per Te Pūkenga Transitioning (Grandparenting) of Former Subsidiaries Policy) and Otago Polytechnic Business Division Procedures.
Approval Date
12 December 2025
Approved By
Chief Executive
Next Review
1 July 2025
Director: Academic Excellence/Academic Director or delegate
- Commerce Act 1986
- Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2022
- Ombudsmen Act 1975
- Privacy Act 2020
- Oversight of the appeal process is managed, recorded, and reported by Otago Polytechnic Business Division of Te Pūkenga (OPBD) Director: Academic Excellence (Dunedin and Central Otago) or Academic Director (Auckland International Campus (AIC)) acting in the roles of OPBD Appeals Officer in accordance with the Te Pūkenga Academic Appeals Policy
- The OPBD local appeals process will be governed by the Principles outlined in Te Pūkenga / Ākonga Appeals Policy Section 2.
- The OPBD local appeal process is as follows:
- Ākonga submits an appeal, using the Notice of Appeal form (refer to Appendix 1 of Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here/Ākonga Appeals Policy) to the relevant kaimahi (Lecturer/Facilitator, Programme Head/Leader, Head of College/Discipline, Student Success) who notify the OP Appeals Officer. Ākonga also has the option to submit their appeal directly to the OPBD Appeals Officer.
- Where the grounds for appeal have been satisfied, the OPBD Appeals Officer acknowledges the Notice of Appeal within three (3) working days including advice on the next steps in the process.
- This formal acknowledgement of receipt of the Notice of Appeal is sent to the ākonga and any support person/s and/or advocate identified in the Notice of Appeal and will include advice on the next steps in the process.
- Where the grounds for appeal have not been satisfied, the ākonga and any support person/s and/or advocate are notified of the decision and reasons within ten (10) working days.
- Appeals relating to academic matters are considered by the Programme Lead/Head of College or relevant academic committee, e.g., the assessment committee or an Appeals Panel to be convened by the OPBD Appeals Officer following the guidelines outlined in Te Pūkenga / Ākonga Appeals Policy.
- Appeals relating to non-academic matters or breaches of discipline are considered by the Programme Lead and/or Head of College or an Appeals Panel to be convened by the OPBD Appeals Officer following the guidelines outlined in Te Pūkenga / Ākonga Appeals Policy.
- The appeal decision is notified to the ākonga by the relevant person/assessment committee/panel and their support person/s and/or advocate noted in writing, within five (5) working days. The decision will also inform the ākonga of their right to further appeal as outlined in Te Pūkenga./ Ākonga Appeals Policy Section 3.4-3.8 Further Appeal.
Appendix 1: Notice of Appeal
References and Delegations
Ākonga / Learner Discipline - OPBD Procedure
- Director: Academic Excellence (Dunedin and Central Campus) / Academic Director (AIC)
- Head of College/Department Head
- Programme Head/Leaders
- Facilitators/Lecturers
Dr Megan Pōtiki
Executive Director
Version 13