To provide operational procedures that set out the constitution, terms of reference, membership, and operational procedures of the Otago Polytechnic Business Division of Te Pūkenga Academic Committee, and its Standing Committees.
Academic Committee Policy
Te Kawa Maiorooro | Educational Regulatory Framework (TKM) and Te Pūkenga Quality Management System.
The relevant Te Pūkenga Academic Policies, current Otago Polytechnic policies (as per Te Pūkenga Transitioning (Grandparenting) of Former Subsidiaries Policy) and the relevant Otago Polytechnic Business Division Procedures.
Academic Committee Standard Operating Procedures (attached below).
1. Role of Academic Committee
- The main roles and functions of the Academic Committee are to:
1.1. Refer to Te Pūkenga Quality Management System, Sub-committees of Te Poari Akoranga: roles and responsibilities, Business Division Academic Committees and WBL Senior Leadership Teams.1.2. Provide Otago Polytechnic Business Division (OPBD) and the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) with independent advice on academic matters, which shall include but not be limited to any matters pertaining to teaching, learning, and research as it affects Te Pūkenga OPBD, for example:
- The teaching, learning, research, and knowledge transfer strategies and activities of OPBD.
- OPBD quality systems and
- Academic and Management
- The educational performance of OPBD local and Te Pūkenga unified programmes of study offered by OPBD.
1.3 Approve changes to local programmes of study offered by OPBD pursuant to and consistent with the requirements of New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and delegations for approval by NZQA to OPBD.
- Powers of Academic Committee
2.1. OPBD Academic Committee exercise the powers delegated to them by the Te Pūkenga Council and Te Poari Akoranga.
2.2 The Executive Director has delegated authority to Academic Committee to approve changes to local courses and programmes of study (not Te Pūkenga unified programmes).
- Membership of Academic Committee
3.1. Academic Committee shall comprise up to twenty-five (25) members as follows:
- Tumu Whakarae/ Executive Director (ex officio)
- Manukura Tuarua – Ara Auahataka/DCE: Academic Delivery (ex officio) or equivalent
- Manukura Kāhui/DCE: Partnership and Equity (KTO) (ex officio) or equivalent
- Director: Learning and Teaching Development/Te Ama Ako (ex officio) or equivalent
- Te Kaihāpai (ex officio)
- Director: Learner Services (ex officio) or equivalent
- Director: Research and Postgraduate Studies (ex officio) or equivalent
- Director: Academic Excellence (ex officio) or equivalent
- Tumuaki Whakaako
- Tumuaki Rakahau Māori
- Tumuaki Whakawhanake
- Tumuaki Te Punaka Owheo (ex officio)
- Chair: Research and Postgraduate Committee (ex officio)
- Chair: Programme Approvals Committee (ex officio)
- Three (3) learner representatives:
> President of Otago Polytechnic Students Association (OPSA) or delegate (positional appointment)
- Two (2) full Professors (elected)
- All Heads of College (positional appointment)
- Co-opted member(s) as required.
- The election process will be managed by the Chair of the respective committee as per Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Academic Committee (refer to Appendix 3).
- Elected members of the Academic Committee serve a two (2) year term but may be re-elected for additional terms.
- Elected members filling casual vacancies will continue for the balance of the original term of office.
- The three (3) learner representative positional appointments will serve annually, for a calendar year. 8. Appropriate staff may be in attendance as necessary and shall have speaking rights only.
- Academic Committee may establish working parties/ad hoc subcommittees of members or other staff for specific purposes.
- Members will identify an appropriate alternate who is notified to Academic Committee. This alternate will attend when the member is unavailable and will have full speaking and voting rights.
- When the appointed Chair of a Standing Committee should be an ex officio member of Academic Committee or any of its standing committees because of their role, or the positional appointment for learner representative holds multiple positions, they will only be counted in the membership once.
- Academic Committee may co-opt one additional member from time to time. A co-opted member has the same rights as a full member. Any person requested to attend an Academic Committee meeting who is neither a committee member nor a co-opted Committee member is ‘in attendance’ and as such has speaking rights, but no voting rights.
- Academic Committee is an open meeting enabling any person who wishes to attend to do so. They have no speaking or voting rights but may be granted speaking rights by the Chair.
- Members of the Academic Committee and its standing committees are expected to prioritise meetings and attend regularly. Absence from more than two (2) meetings in succession, or from more than twenty percent (20%) of the meetings in any academic year without due cause may result in forfeiture of membership, at the discretion of the Executive Director.
- Academic Committee will be chaired by the Executive Director or their nominee.
- The Chair of Academic Committee has a deliberative vote, and in the case of an equality of votes, also has a casting vote.
- Academic Committee will conduct up to ten (10) scheduled monthly meetings from February to November each year, with the option of electronic approval meetings as required for urgent approval requests.
- Where a member identifies that an electronic meeting item requires discussion the item will be referred to the next scheduled meeting, or if urgent, a special meeting will be called.
- A meeting quorum is defined as one (1) more than half of the total actual membership, inclusive of alternates, and must include the Chair or nominee.
- An annual work plan will be established for Academic Committee and meetings will be scheduled to meet the demand in the work plan.
- The Chair or nominee may convene an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Committee, as necessary. This may occur by scheduling a face-to-face or online meeting or by an asynchronous electronic meeting.
- The Executive Director or the Chair may determine that a paper or papers will be discussed in a closed session for reasons of privacy or commercial sensitivity. These papers and their minutes will not be distributed outside of Academic Committee without the written permission of the Executive Director or the Chair.
- Academic Committee Secretary: A member of the ELT will provide and ensure full secretarial services for the Committee.
Standing Committees
22.1. Academic Committee shall have two (2) standing committees; Research and Postgraduate Committee and Programme Approvals Committee, each with their own Terms of Reference (refer to Appendices 1a and 2). Research and Postgraduate Committee shall have four (4) subcommittees: Research Ethics, Doctor of Professional Practice (DPP) Assessors, Otago Polytechnic Research Repository (OPRES), and Otago Polytechnic (OP) Publications each with its Terms of Reference (refer to Appendices 1b, 1c, 1d, and 1e).
22.2. Research and Postgraduate Committee (refer to TKM Section 5.3 Rangahau and Research).
22.2.1 As a standing committee of the Academic Committee, the Research and Postgraduate Committee will provide a summary report on Committee activities pertinent to research (including Research Ethics Subcommittee, Doctor of Professional Practice Assessors Subcommittee, OPRES, and OPBD Publications Subcommittee), knowledge creation and postgraduate programmes at OPBD.
22.2.2 The Research and Postgraduate Committee will also provide advice to Academic Committee as required.
22.2.3 All research conducted by OPBD staff and learners must be notified to Research Ethics Committee for documentation and approval. The Research Ethics Committee is an institutional (i.e., not an accredited) committee and as such does not approve any invasive research on humans or research on animals.
a. Approval for research on animals is, by arrangement, the responsibility of the University of Otago Animal Ethics Committee. Before applications for animal research and teaching are referred to the University of Otago Animal Ethics Committee, the researcher will first consult with the Head of Programmes, Veterinary Nursing, OPBD, or delegated nominee.
b. The decision of the University of Otago Animal Ethics Committee is deemed to be the decision of the Research Ethics Committee and documented accordingly.
22.2.4. The Terms of Reference of these committees are attached in Appendix 1a,1b, 1c, 1d, and 1e.
22.2.5 Complaints regarding the Research and Postgraduate Committee and any of its subcommittees will be addressed as follows:
The Committee shall:
- Receive complaints about research undertaken within OPBD (it is expected that complaints should be dealt with at the lowest level possible and that resolution between the parties should be sought and in accordance with Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Concerns and Complaints Policy and Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Appeals Policy).). Complaints may come from researchers, participants, colleagues, or any other involved or concerned person.
- Draw the complaint to the attention of the researcher, supervisor, and/or manager.
- Advise on actions to be taken to resolve the complaint.
- The supervisor and/or manager shall advise the relevant subcommittee of the outcome.
- After each complaint, the relevant subcommittee shall review its processes and documentation and identify whether there is an opportunity for amendments to the process or policy.
- Each subcommittee shall report the outcome of all complaints through the Research and Postgraduate Committee on an annual basis.
Note: The Committee uses a peer-review process and, as such, has no structural authority related to a staff member’s employment, performance, or remuneration. Such matters should be referred to the staff member’s manager.
7. Complaints about research that are unresolved at the subcommittee level and complaints about the Committee’s decisions or processes shall be made in the first instance to the Chair of Research and Postgraduate Committee with a request for the issue to be reconsidered. Dissatisfaction with such the review, outcome, or response should be then referred to the Te Kaihāpai, and arrangements are made to resolve in accordance with Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Concerns and Complaints Policy and Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Appeals Policy.
22.3. Programme Approvals Committee
22.3.1. As a standing committee of the Academic Committee, the Programme Approvals Committee will report on committee activities pertinent to programme change applications and approvals.
22.3.2. The Programme Approvals Committee will also provide advice to Academic Committee as required.
22.3.3. The Terms of Reference of this committee are attached in Appendix 2.
Appendix 1
1a. Research and Postgraduate Committee: Terms of Reference
1b. Research Ethics Subcommittee: Terms of Reference
1c. Doctor of Professional Practice Assessors Subcommittee: Terms of Reference
1d. Otago Polytechnic Research Repository (OPRES) Subcommittee: Terms of Reference
1e. Otago Polytechnic Publications Subcommittee: Terms of Reference
Appendix 2.
Programme Approvals Committee: Terms of Reference
Appendix 3.
Standard Operating Procedures: Academic Committee Policy
Te Pūkenga Policies
- Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Concerns and Complaints Policy
- Te Pūkenga Kaupapa-here / Ākonga Appeals Policy.
Approved by:
Dr. Megan Pōtiki
Executive Director
POLICY VERSION: V15: Previously Coded: AP0101
Purpose |
To provide leadership and advice in relation to research postgraduate programmes at Otago Polytechnic Limited (Ltd). The Committee’s leadership will be instrumental in positioning Otago Polytechnic Ltd as a credible and leading research polytechnic and will promote strong interfaces between research and teaching, especially for staff teaching on degrees and postgraduate programmes. |
Membership |
The members of the Committee are expected to be conversant with the broader educational context, both nationally and internationally, and to bring these understandings to bear when advising the Polytechnic. · Director: Research & Postgraduate Studies (Chair) (appointed by CE) · Tumu Whakarae / Chief Executive (CE) or nominee (ex officio) · Manukura Tuarua - Ara Auahataka (Deputy Chief Executive: Academic Delivery) or nominee (ex officio) · Manukura Tuarua - Ara Tauira (Deputy Chief Executive: Learner Journey) (ex officio) · Manukura Kāhui (Deputy Chief Executive: Partnership and Equity (KTO) or nominee (ex officio) · Te Kaihāpai · Tumuaki: Rakahau Māori · Otago Polytechnic Limited Auckland International Campus/Future Skills research representative. · Two (2) members of the Professoriate (elected by the professoriate) · Two (2) researchers (elected by those staff who are research active and eligible for Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF)) · Seven (7) postgraduate area leaders from colleges/programme areas with a post-graduate programme Note 1: Any new postgraduate programmes will have a representative. · A post-graduate student representative currently enrolled (elected by enrolled post-graduate learners) · Research active Pasifika staff member · A (1) co-opted member, at the Committee’s discretion. Co-opted members will usually be active and successful researchers or research leaders.
Total Membership · Inclusive of the ex officio members, may not exceed twenty-two (22) members. A quorum consists of half plus one (1) of the members and must include the Chair or nominee. · In attendance · The Chair of the Research Ethics subcommittee may be present at Research and Postgraduate Committee meetings and shall have full speaking rights. · Research and Postgraduate Studies Office staff are to attend all meetings with speaking rights to report as required. · Any member of the Academic Committee may attend meetings of the Committee with full speaking rights. |
Roles and Functions |
· Lead the development of the strategic focus and direction for research and postgraduate study at Otago Polytechnic Ltd. · Maintain the Polytechnic’s strategic goals, priorities, key performance indicators (KPIs), with regard to building a research culture underpinning teaching, removing barriers to staff research engagement, supporting those undertaking postgraduate supervision, and established, and emerging researchers towards Performance-Based-Research-Funding (PBRF). · Ensure that processes exist within Otago Polytechnic Ltd to maintain the quality provision of postgraduate programmes including issues of intellectual property, research proposal, approval, supervision, learning and teaching, examination, and thesis requirements. · Develop, provide oversight and manage the assessment process for the doctoral degree. · Advise on policy relating to research, postgraduate study, and intellectual property. · Endorse guidelines for the allocation of central funds for research support, publications, and conference attendance. · Review annually the effectiveness of research and accountability around research funding processes throughout the Polytechnic. · Oversee the Research Ethics Subcommittee, which is a subcommittee of the Research and Postgraduate Committee. . Receive reports from the Doctor of Professional Practice Assessors Subcommittee, OPRES Subcommittee, OP Publications Sub-committee, and Research Ethics Subcommittee · Review annually the effectiveness of the Committee. |
Committee Secretary |
The Office of the Director: Research and Postgraduate Studies will provide full secretarial services for the Committee. |
Meetings |
Meetings will be held monthly, to synchronise with the Academic Committee meeting cycle, and may include electronic meetings and additional workshops. |
Reporting |
The Committee has a key initiating role in relation to research and postgraduate studies, as well as responding to matters that may be referred from Academic Committee. The Committee will report to Academic Committee from which advice will be released to the Otago Polytechnic Ltd Board, Executive Leadership Team, and other parties as appropriate. |
Purpose |
To provide: · Assurance of safety to participants in research projects that their rights have been considered and respected, including establishing informed consent, confidentiality, and the storage and use of data. · To advise and protect researchers regarding their rights and duties. · To protect those who may be affected by research results or outcomes. · Ensure methodologies are appropriate. · Ensure ethics approval is obtained from all institutions before commencing the project when joint research is being undertaken between two (2) or more institutions. |
Membership |
· Chair (Appointed by Chief Executive (CE). · An academic staff member/researcher from each academic group · Two (2) members representing local iwi (nominated by Ngāi Tahu through the Arai-Te-Uru Papatipu Rūnaka) · Learner representative (nominated by the Student Subcommittee of Board) · Two (2) persons not involved in research on human or animal participants and who are not members of the Otago Polytechnic Ltd academic staff. · Up to three (3) co-opted members, at the Committee’s discretion. · Invite expressions of interest from appropriately qualified people according to vacancies. Note 1: The Chair will be appointed by the CE and may attend the Research and Postgraduate Committee with full speaking rights. If the Chair is absent, the Chair may delegate all authorities that the Chair holds to another Committee member for a period. The Chair will notify the CE, the Research Ethics Sub-committee members, and the Chair of the Research and Postgraduate Committee of any such delegations
Note 2: With exception of the Chair, the Research and Postgraduate Committee will appoint members, following a recommendation from the Research Ethics Sub-committee. In making these appointments, the Research and Postgraduate Committee should consider: · Committee expertise in ethics and law. · Gender balance and cultural representation. Range of research conventions in different disciplines. |
Roles and Functions |
· Ensure that all research within the Polytechnic, or under the auspices of the Polytechnic, which involves human and animal participants, or the use of personal information is carried out in accordance with this policy and research ethics guidelines. · Review and update Otago Polytechnic Ltd Research Ethics Guidelines yearly: a. Foster an awareness of those procedures and ethical principles in general within Otago Polytechnic Limited. b. Ensure practices are consistent with national tertiary research ethics standards and guidelines. · Ensure researchers have written approval from the Research Ethics Sub-committee before commencing activities as required by Otago Polytechnic Limited Guidelines on Ethical Practices in Research. · Enable and facilitate best practices by providing detailed instructions and suggested processes for meeting research ethics approval. The Sub-committee should provide constructive feedback to staff within four (4) weeks of receiving their application. · Withdraw approval for any research project that does not comply with guidelines and notify the project leader and Academic Committee in writing. · Consider any matter of ethical concern relating to the involvement of human participants in research which any learner or member of staff of the Polytechnic raises with the Sub-committee. · Refer any research involving animals to Otago Polytechnic Ltd, Head of Programmes, School Veterinary Nursing, or delegate as this is covered by an agreement with the University of Otago Animal Ethics Committee. Refer to point 22.1.3 above.
· Ensure that research proposals are carried out in accordance with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, with the currently applicable National Standard for Ethics Committees, and other relevant professional codes relating to research. · Ensure systems are in place that ensure best practice is addressed for the purposes of self-assessment and external evaluation and review of ethical processes. · Recommend and review policy and procedures and advise Academic Committee through the Research and Postgraduate Committee on issues relating to ethics in research. · From time to time, in cases where it is not possible to convene the Sub-committee and such requests are reasonable, the Chair may make decisions on ethical matters. In these cases, the Chair will advise the Sub-committee at its next meeting. The Chair may seek advice on such decisions as is deemed necessary · Review annually the effectiveness of the Sub-committee. |
Committee Secretary |
The Research and Postgraduate Studies Office will provide full secretarial services for the committee. |
Meetings |
Meetings will be held at least eight (8) times per year and may include electronic meetings. |
Reporting |
The Research Ethics subcommittee reports to Academic Committee through the Research and Postgraduate Committee. |
Purpose |
To review and discuss potential assessors put forward by the lead mentor for each Doctor of Professional Practice (DProfPrac) learner, for approval based on their suitability and experience. |
Membership |
· Chair of DPP Assessment Panel (Chair) appointed by the Executive Director or delegate. · Director: Research and Postgraduate Studies or delegate. · Director: Rakahau Māori or delegate. · Two (2) full Professors nominated by the Executive Director or delegate.
NOTES: A member may hold more than one role on the Committee. A member must declare any conflict of interest.
Term |
The two full Professors may serve on the Committee for a term of two years and may be renominated for one further term. |
Roles and Functions |
· Review biographical, postgraduate mentoring, supervision and assessment experience, and research publications information about potential DPP assessors. · Identify three preferred assessors who together would provide a suitable assessment panel for each DPP candidate. · Identify an alternate assessor in the event that consensus is not reached at the assessment event. · Identify reserve assessor in the event that a preferred assessor should not be available. · Report selected assessors for each DPP learner to the Research and Postgraduate Committee for noting. |
Committee Secretary |
The Research and Postgraduate Studies Directorate will provide full secretarial services for the Committee. |
Meetings |
Meetings will be held as required and may include electronic meetings. |
Reporting |
The Doctor of Professional Practice Assessors Subcommittee reports to Academic Committee through the Research and Postgraduate Committee. |
Purpose |
To consider requests by Master and Doctoral learners for redaction, embargo, or exemption from making their work publicly available. |
Membership |
· Director: Research and Postgraduate Studies (Chairperson) · Te Kaihāpai · Privacy Officer · Up to two other members of the Research and Postgraduate Committee
Note: A member of the subcommittee must recuse themselves from decision-making if they have a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest includes where the learner whose work is being considered, is a staff member or student in the member’s College. |
Roles and Functions |
· Review learner requests for redaction, embargo, or exemption from making their work publicly available. · Seek and consider feedback when needed from the learner’s lead supervisor or academic mentor and programme leader. · Consider how to make each learner’s research publicly available online to the maximum extent appropriate for the work, having regard for the learner’s concerns. · Take a principled approach to ensure consistency across colleges. · Make decisions on learner requests for redaction, embargo, and exemption from making their work publicly available. |
Committee Secretary |
The Research and Postgraduate Studies Directorate will provide full secretarial services for the Committee. |
Meetings |
Meetings will be held as required and many include electronic meetings. |
Reporting |
The OPRES Committee reports to Academic Committee through the Research and Postgraduate Committee. |
Purpose |
To facilitate and oversee the publication of Otago Polytechnic Business Division of Te Pūkenga Publications Subcommittee |
Membership |
· Director: Research and Postgraduate Studies (Chairperson) or delegate · Tumuaki Rakahau Māori | Director of Māori Research or delegate · Editors of Junctures · Series Editor of Scopes journals · Editorial Assistants · Research Coordinator · Research Projects Coordinator
Roles and Functions |
· Determine which books Otago Polytechnic Business Division of Te Pūkenga (OPBD) should publish. · Oversee the publication of journals and books by OPBD. · Facilitate the open-access publication and dissemination of OPBD research in various formats, including symposia books of abstracts and exhibition catalogues. · Maintain a consistently high standard of quality while also supporting emerging researchers to publish. · Oversee ISBNs, ISSNs, and DOIs for OPBD publications. · Collaborate with other ITPs and Te Pūkenga to form an umbrella publishing house for publications. |
Committee Secretary |
The Research and Postgraduate Studies Directorate will provide full secretarial services for the Committee. |
Meetings |
Meetings will be held as required and may include electronic meetings. |
Reporting |
The Otago Polytechnic Business Division of Te Pūkenga Publications Subcommittee reports to Academic Committee through the Research and Postgraduate Committee. |
Purpose |
To provide leadership and advice in relation to all aspects of programme approvals and accreditation to ensure that Otago Polytechnic qualifications, programmes, and accreditations are current and educationally sound, are aligned to Otago Polytechnic Limited’s strategies and requirements and meet external quality requirements. |
Membership |
· Chair (appointed by CE) · Executive Leadership Team representative · Learning and Teaching Services representative · Kaitohutohu office representative · Micro-credentials – academic · Quality Systems Analyst · Two (2) Programme Leaders · Four (4) Senior Teaching Staff (Senior/Principal Lecturers) co-opted members, at the Committee’s discretion, provided that the total membership of the Committee, may not exceed fifteen (15) members. Co-opted members must be experienced curriculum developers or leaders in their own right.
In attendance (with speaking rights – no voting rights) · Academic Advisor/s. Note: Any member of the Academic Committee may attend meetings of the Committee with full speaking rights. |
Roles and Functions |
· Evaluate qualifications and new and revised programmes prior to recommending to Academic Committee for approval. · Provide advice on programme development. · Review annually the effectiveness of the Committee. Note: The members of the Committee are expected to be conversant with the broader educational context, both nationally and internationally, and to bring these understandings to bear when advising Otago Polytechnic Limited. |
Committee Secretary |
Academic Excellence will provide full secretarial services for the Programme Approvals Committee. |
Meetings |
Meetings will be held monthly to synchronise with the Academic Committee meeting cycle and may include electronic meetings. |
Reporting |
The Committee has a key role in relation to programme approvals and accreditation processes, as well as responding to matters that may be referred from Academic Committee. The Committee will report to Academic Committee from which advice will be released to the Otago Polytechnic Ltd Board, Executive Leadership Team, or other parties as appropriate. |
In relation to the Academic Committee policy which includes its two (2) standing committees and respective subcommittees of the Research and Postgraduate Committee the following standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be followed:
- Election of Academic Staff Representatives
Academic staff representatives for Academic Committee and its Standing Committees will be elected by the relevant groups.
Note: Academic Committee and its Standing Committees will endeavour to ensure that there is continuity of expertise as part of the nomination and election processes to manage the risk with all elections falling due at the same time.
1.1. Nominations to replace current elected academic staff representatives on Academic Committee and its Standing Committees will be called for on 1st October of the year prior to completion of the two (2) year term of office.
1.2. The call for nominations will be advertised by appropriate means such as postings on the Otago Polytechnic Limited intranet (Tūhuno), staff noticeboards, and e-mail.
1.3. Nominations are to be made on the relevant standard nomination forms (refer to Appendix 3i, 3ii, 3iii); and signed and dated by both the nominator and the nominee.
1.4. Nominations should be accompanied by a statement of up to two hundred (200) words from the nominee, explaining their interest in serving on Academic Committee, together with the skills they would bring to the role.
1.5. Nominations close with the Secretary, Academic Committee, or Secretary to the Standing Committee on 20th October in any year prior to completion of the two (2) year term of office.
1.6. Nominees’ statements are to be included in the voting papers made available to staff.
1.7. Voting papers for the academic staff candidates will be distributed at the end of October to all eligible academic staff. Electronic voting will be made available. Voting papers to be returned to the Secretary Academic Committee, or Secretary to the Standing Committee, by 30th November year prior to completion of the two (2) year term of office.
1.8. Each academic staff member can vote for one (1) academic staff candidate only. The highest polling candidates will be elected.
1.9. Eligibility is defined as all permanent full-time and proportional academic staff.
1.9.1. permanent”, in relation to the academic or general staff of Otago Polytechnic Limited, means a member of that staff is employed, either on a full-time or proportional basis: until they retire or resign; or, who has been employed, whether under a contract for a specified period or otherwise, and either on a full-time or proportional basis, for at least three (3) months; or who has been employed, whether under a contract for a specified period or otherwise, and either on a full-time or part-time basis, for less than three (3) months and whose employment is, in the opinion of the Chief Executive of Otago Polytechnic Limited, likely to continue for at least three (3) months from the date of commencement of that employment.
Note: If insufficient academic staff candidates stand for election, the Chief Executive shall appoint a member from the relevant constituency.
- Format for Submission of Papers
2.1. Academic Committee papers must be lodged with the Secretary not less than five (5) working days prior to the meeting. Standing Committees will determine timelines for their papers.
2.2. The Chair determines the agenda for Academic Committee meetings. The Chair of each Standing Committee determines the agenda for Standing Committee meetings.
2.3. Academic Committee papers must be received by members at least two (2) full days prior to the meeting date to allow reading time. Any variation such as electronic meetings or an extraordinary meeting may be approved by the Chair.
2.4. Papers must be signed by the person making the recommendation.
2.5. The careful wording of recommendations on Academic Committee papers is required to ensure that the record of the meeting accurately reflects the decision intended. The following guidelines and clarification of terminology apply to all papers submitted to Academic Committee.
2.5.1. The word “recommend” should only be included in the actual motion when the decision the meeting will take is to recommend action by another group. For example, the recommendation could be that the “Academic Committee recommends that the Otago Polytechnic Limited Board establish a … … Standing Committee”.
2.5.2. Recommendations may be for information only; in which case the recommendation is likely, to begin with, the word “note”. For example, … recommends that Academic Committee “notes that the Chair of Programme and Approvals Committee will forward an application for accreditation”. This recommendation, if passed, will be recorded quite clearly in the minutes that Academic Committee members have not seen the application, but accept that the appropriate person will forward it in due course.
2.5.3. “Approve” should be used when the Academic Committee has the authority to permit the action to occur. For example, recommends that the “Academic Committee approve the submission of an accreditation application to New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)”. “Approve” should not be used when the authority to make the decision lies with another body/committee. If Academic Committee supports the decision, then it should recommend the action to the Otago Polytechnic Limited Board or to the body/committee with the authority to make the decision.
2.5.4. All decisions will be made on the understanding that sufficient information is available to justify the particular action or decision taken. For example:“To approve” implies that the alternatives of seeking further information or not approving the item have been explored and that sufficient information is believed to be at hand to justify approval.“To note” implies receipt of information. Because no action is required, little background information is necessary.
2.5.5. “To recommend” is to advise another body or committee or implies that in weighing up information both for and against the recommendation, Academic Committee members believe a decision in favour should be made.
2.6. Recommendations should make a distinction between definite and indefinite articles. “The” refers to a specific person, committee, or agency; “a” refers to any person, committee, or agency.
2.7. Each recommendation should contain all necessary information for implementation. For example, a recommendation should state: “That the plan to move the Tennyson Street campus be approved”, rather than “That the removal be approved”.
- Action Sheets
3.1. Action Sheets are to form part of the minutes of Academic Committee meetings.
3.2. Items from Action Sheets will be discussed under “Matters Arising” on the agenda. This discussion will be recorded in the minutes and carried forward on the Action Sheet arising from the meeting.
3.3. The Action Sheet will not duplicate material from Academic Committee Standing Committees’ compliance papers.
- Confirmation of Minutes
4.1. Academic Committee meeting minutes will be confirmed as a true and accurate record, at the next meeting.
- Availability of Papers and Minutes
5.1. The minutes and papers of the Academic Committee will be available to staff on the Otago Polytechnic Limited intranet (Tūhuno).
5.2. Papers and minutes of any closed sessions will not be so available, and copies should be kept confidential.