
Keynote Speaker, 9.30am Wednesday 2 July

Emilie Lucie Baltz is a French-American food designer who works between New York City and Paris.  Trained in diverse mediums of storytelling, from Modern Dance to Screenwriting, Photography and Industrial Design, she creates eating experiences that provoke new connections with the five senses. A member of the founding faculty of the New York’s Graduate School of Visual Arts Products of Design program, Emilie is also the founder of the Food Design Studio at the Pratt Institute in NYC. She is author of  “L.O.V.E FOODBOOK“, recipient of ‘Best First Cookbook in the World’ from the Prix Gourmand in France; as well as the cookbook, “Junk Foodie: 51 Delicious Recipes for the Lowbrow Gourmand“.

Recent food design commissions for Emilie include:

  • Lickestra – a musical licking performance, with a series of conductive ice creams that trigger various baselines and tones when licked so the eater becomes a performer.
  • Art Director and Curator of PLAY – the bar at the New York Museum of Sex. Emilie developed a series of artist-crafted cocktails and provocative artwork. PLAY was named one of the Best New Bars of NYC for 2013.

By using the eating experience as a lens and machine for cultural reflection and creation, Emilie works to reframe, question and remind us of the fundamental place food occupies in our life as a portal into the primitive and the civilized.



